Craft with confidence. Understand every cent of your recipes

Dive into detailed food costing for smarter menu planning and higher returns.


Opsi ingredients with built-in conversions and yields

Say goodbye to conversion guesswork. Opsi offers a comprehensive ingredient list for building out your recipes, complete with conversions and yields.


Real-time pricing updates

Seamlessly connect to invoice processing solutions like Ottimate (formerly Plate IQ) and always have the most up-to-date pricing for your ingredients. Stay informed and stay profitable.


Recipe profitability history

Visualize your success and make data-driven decisions. Our dynamic charts display your recipe profitability trends over time, allowing you to adjust and optimize based on past performance.


Ingredient cost history

Track your ingredient cost fluctuations with detailed history charts. Understand market trends and make purchasing decisions that put you in control.


Product price alerts

Never be caught off guard by volatile market prices. Set your desired thresholds and receive instant notifications when product prices rise or drop. Be proactive, not reactive.


Cost summary reports

Opsi provides a clear snapshot of each recipe’s financials – covering menu price, profit margins, and food cost percentages for better decision-making.

“A workflow tool like opsi is the surest way to ensure operational consistency through any challenges. We would never open or operated a business without one.”

Gary LaMorte

Founder – Honest Hospitality

Ready to get started?